Light bodys

“Light bodys” from Ina Damyanova's "Essence" exhibition are far from just a visual experience. The main core is abstractness, the expressed abstractness of beauty, and it is this that makes the message concrete. The main question: which wins - darkness or light? Here they are not compared, there is no competition between them, but on the contrary - one of the great truths of life is shown. Without the dark we cannot discover the light. Without the light we cannot free ourselves from the dark. I'm not talking about the world outside. I'm also talking about the world inside us. Here it is explored in a particularly beautiful, slightly surreal way. The darkness is no longer darkness because the light tangos on it with all its grace. On the other hand, light already has a solid foundation on which to exist. This is not art. It is beyond art. This is your state depicted. The breath of the universe is here drawn with a sweep, with a few strokes of medicine.

Rosen Karamfilov

Мракът вече не е мрак

Мракът вече не е мрак, защото светлината танцува танго по него с цялата си грация. От друга страна – светлината вече разполага с плътна основа, върху която да съществува. Това не е изкуство. Това е отвъд изкуството. Това е изобразено вътрешно състояние. Диханието на вселената тук е нарисувано с размах, с няколко щриха на лекотата.